This statement was issued in English and French at the Council of Europe parliamentary assembly autumn meeting on 29th September.
Council of Europe Should Investigate Russian MPs Who Voted to Dismember Georgia
British MP Denis MacShane has urged fellow delegates to the Council of Europe to take action against Russian MPs who voted to dismember and annexe part of a UN and Council of Europe member state, Georgia. Speaking to MPs at the Council of Europe MacShane said:
“The Council of Europe is composed of 636 parliamentarians from 47 countries. Only the Russians MPs arrive having voted to cut up a member state of the Council of Europe, after the Duma and Council of the Federation (Senate) in Moscow responded to the conflict in Georgia by destroying the territorial integrity of Georgia.
“There have been many bitter human rights conflicts in different European states during the history of the Council of Europe. From French behaviour in Algeria in the 1950s to Russian behaviour in Chechnya more recently, many Council of Europe members have been accused – including Britain in Northern Ireland in the 1970s – of violations of the European Convention of Human Rights.
“I deplore what President Saakashivili did on 7/8 August. I deplore the disproportionate Russian response, with Russian tanks arriving in Georgia many kilometres from the contested area.
“But we have to go back to the Reichstag vote to dismember Czechoslovakia and recognise the Sudetenland as part of Gemany in 1939, to have an example of parliamentarians voting the partition or dismemberment of a European nation state.
“There is no comparison with Kosovo as the international jurists commission headed by Robert Badinter declared in 1992 that the Yugoslav Federation had been dissolved. This opened the way to giving Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and in due course Kosovo the right to form nations and small states.
“Today Russian parliamentarians have arrived in force at the Council of Europe to assert their right to dismember a sovereign republic and member state of the Council of Europe. It will be to the dishonour of the Council of Europe if no action is taken to make clear to Russian MPs that their vote in Moscow is unacceptable. I regret that British Conservative MPs have been meeting in the same group as Mr Putin’s deputies this morning. It says much for Tory leader David Cameron that he allows British Conservative MPs to act as fellow travellers of the Kremlin as Russian MPs assert their right to break up a member state of the Council of Europe.”
Council of Europe Should Investigate Russian MPs Who Voted to Dismember Georgia
British MP Denis MacShane has urged fellow delegates to the Council of Europe to take action against Russian MPs who voted to dismember and annexe part of a UN and Council of Europe member state, Georgia. Speaking to MPs at the Council of Europe MacShane said:
“The Council of Europe is composed of 636 parliamentarians from 47 countries. Only the Russians MPs arrive having voted to cut up a member state of the Council of Europe, after the Duma and Council of the Federation (Senate) in Moscow responded to the conflict in Georgia by destroying the territorial integrity of Georgia.
“There have been many bitter human rights conflicts in different European states during the history of the Council of Europe. From French behaviour in Algeria in the 1950s to Russian behaviour in Chechnya more recently, many Council of Europe members have been accused – including Britain in Northern Ireland in the 1970s – of violations of the European Convention of Human Rights.
“I deplore what President Saakashivili did on 7/8 August. I deplore the disproportionate Russian response, with Russian tanks arriving in Georgia many kilometres from the contested area.
“But we have to go back to the Reichstag vote to dismember Czechoslovakia and recognise the Sudetenland as part of Gemany in 1939, to have an example of parliamentarians voting the partition or dismemberment of a European nation state.
“There is no comparison with Kosovo as the international jurists commission headed by Robert Badinter declared in 1992 that the Yugoslav Federation had been dissolved. This opened the way to giving Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and in due course Kosovo the right to form nations and small states.
“Today Russian parliamentarians have arrived in force at the Council of Europe to assert their right to dismember a sovereign republic and member state of the Council of Europe. It will be to the dishonour of the Council of Europe if no action is taken to make clear to Russian MPs that their vote in Moscow is unacceptable. I regret that British Conservative MPs have been meeting in the same group as Mr Putin’s deputies this morning. It says much for Tory leader David Cameron that he allows British Conservative MPs to act as fellow travellers of the Kremlin as Russian MPs assert their right to break up a member state of the Council of Europe.”
Le Conseil de l’Europe devrait lancer une offensive à l’encontre des députés russes qui ont voté le démembrement de la Géorgie
Le député britannique Denis MacShane a appelé ses collègues parlementaires délégués au Conseil de l’Europe à agir de concert à l’encontre des députés russes qui ont voté en faveur du démembrement et de l’annexion d’une partie d’un Etat membre des Nations Unies et du Conseil de l’Europe, la Géorgie. Dans son discours devant l’Assemblée parlementaire du Conseil de l’Europe, MacShane s’est exprimé en ces termes :
"Le Conseil de l’Europe est composé de 636 parlementaires représentant 47 pays. Des députés russes arrivent parmi nous, ayant voté à la Douma et au Conseil de la Fédération (Sénat) à Moscou le découpage d’un Etat membre du Conseil de l’Europe en réponse au conflit en Géorgie, approuvant ainsi la destruction de l’intégrité territoriale de la Géorgie.
"Il y a eu de nomreux conflits amers sur les droits de l’homme tout au long de l’histoire du Conseil de l’Europe. Depuis le comportement français en Algérie pendant les années 1950, jusqu’à l’attitude des Russes en Tchétchénie récemment, des membres du Conseil de l’Europe ont souvent été accusés – y compris le Royaume-Uni au sujet de l’Irlande du Nord dans les années 1970- de violations de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme.
"Je déplore l’erreur commise par le Président Saakashvili les 7 et 8 aoûts derniers. Je déplore la réponse disproportionnée de la Russie, consistant à lancer des chars russes dans une zone s’étalant bien au-delà de la région contestée.
"Mais il nous faut remonter au vote du Reichstag démantelant la Tchécoslovaquie et reconnaissant le territoire des Sudètes comme faisant partie de l’Allemagne en 1939 pour retrouver un épisode historique de vote par des parlementaires pour partager ou démembrer un Etat nation sur le sol européen.
"Il n’y a pas de comparaison possible avec le Kosovo ; la commission de juristes internationaux dirigée par Robert Badinter avait déclaré dès 1992 que la Fédération yougoslave avait été dissoute. Cela a ouvert la voie à la reconnaissance du droit, pour la Macédoine, le Monténegro, la Bosnie, et à terme le Kosovo, de former une nation et de devenir des petits Etats.
"Aujourd’hui les parlementaires russes sont arrivés en force au Conseil de l’Europe pour affirmer leur droit de démanteler une république souveraine et un Etat membre du Conseil de l’Europe. Cela serait un déshonneur pour le Conseil que de ne pas agir pour faire comprendre aux délégués russes que leur vote n’est pas acceptable. Je regrette que les députés britanniques conservateurs aient siégé dans le même groupe que les députés de Monsieur Poutine ce matin. Cela en dit beaucoup du dirigeant de l’opposition David Cameron, qui permet aux représentants britanniques conservateurs d’agir comme des camarades de voyage avec le Kremlin, alors même que les députés russes affirment leur droit de casser l’intégrité territoriale d’un Etat membre du Conseil de l’Europe. »